Tuesday, April 21, 2015

God Only Knows

God Only Knows the Good Vibrations I get when I Get Around to see the Beach Boys in person.  I realize that only Mike Love is an original but the sound is still awesome, the words the same and the feeling like none other.  God am I old!!! I'm taking three other old broads with me tonight to act foolish, sing out loud and swat a beach ball around with a room full of other senior citizens.  I have been in full 60's mode for a couple of weeks now while becoming completely entrenched in Mad Men. (in the show, not in the men)  I'm ready for some rock and roll and then I'll be ready for bed... I'm pretty sure the others will head to the casino and make some money but the gambler in me stops after I bet on whether or not I'll have to leave the concert to pee or make it through the entire show. 
Hopefully, I'll be carting home three winners, lots of cash and a fistful of rekindled memories!!
  We're off on our Surfin' Safari!

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