Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Opt in!

Talk about swimming upstream.  Today begins the dreaded Common Core state testing. So much angst over money generated education.....which inevitably, all education is:-(  I understand that aid is based on many things, buildings cost money to operate and everything associated with mandates is unfunded.  Seems like such a lose, lose situation when young minds are at stake.  As intelligent and philanthropic as Bill and Melinda Gates are, I'm not sure I want them involved ( hands on) with the rules and regulations of education.  NO ONE involved with the inception of Common Core standards is an educator.....doesn't that scare anyone?  Education based on governmental blackmail sure scares the hell out of me.
Bailee will be taking the tests.  I understand the premise of strength and voice in numbers. I also dislike the idea of slowly extracting the joy of learning and the love of school from young minds.  I know there are always going to be new methods of learning and that most will peter out in a few years as new ways (or often old) come full circle.  I hate the idea of using our children for mass data collecting and I hate even more, the idea that these unbalanced tests are even associated with teacher evaluation. Maybe The Gates Foundations should funnel their billions to teachers to pay for their pricey educations that could be diminished in an instant if their students end up 1's instead of 4's.
Once again, Bailee is sitting at her desk as I type, filling in ovals, hoping that she has the correct answer. She will remember what she was told by her Mom and her Grandma. "Do your very best. Read carefully and answer the question that was asked. If you are uncertain, choose your best 8 year old educated guess and most of all, don't sweat it.... Your grades are NOT hinged on these answers!  Most of all, we love you!"   In my mind, NOT taking the tests was never an option.  An 8 year old doesn't need the pressure of thinking that their test grades will have ANY impact on whether their teacher is good or bad. We, as parents and grandparents, are in this game to protect and do what's best for "our" child.  Teaching, at this young age, that if something is tough you can just "opt out" is more than a disservice to a child.  Do it, do your best and remember we ask for nothing more at this stage of the game!
Once again I agree with much of what the "opt out" contingent believes and I fiercely believe that they are doing what's best for their children/grandchildren.  So are we, and today, we OPT IN!

P.S.  Bailee has the very best teacher to lead them through the next 2 weeks.  She has given them the tools needed to be successful. She has given them invaluable self worth and also given them permission to be wrong without failing.  They will work hard, they will dance and sing and they'll even get to chew some gum in class....Thanks Mrs. Weeks for giving your all :-)

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