Monday, March 30, 2015


Advice:   a recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct. It's origin is from the French phrase "ce m'est a vis..meaning" * it appears to me!  The operative word being ME.  There sure is a big difference between being asked for advice and providing it without invitation.  Either way it's generally just an opinion wearing advice's clothing.. ( *.)  "What would you do?" is usually an accident waiting to happen.  "What do you think" is an entirely different animal.  Oddly enough, I get asked these two questions often.  I sparingly answer question one.  I become rather vociferous if approached with question two!  I pretty much preface my answer to number two with, "If you really don't want my opinion, don't ask the question."  I often ponder the sage advice that says, Never ask a question to which you don't already know the answer!"  Disregarding children for the moment, I think 90% of the questions I've been asked (in an advisory setting) are asked to just confirm what someone already knows, approve of what has already been planned or affirm an action already taken.  Wouldn't that make me clergy of some kind?  I am humbled when asked for advice, thankful when I think I can help and terrified to point anyone in a concrete direction.  But, ask me what I think and it's a whole different ballgame.  Batter up!  Strangely enough, sometimes people don't even have to ask;-)  You know, opinions are like a--holes, everybody has one.  Bottom line is, if you don't want mine, don't ask.  I'd like to think that in that past 63 years I've acquired a little bit of knowledge on what to do and a whole of what not to!
Advice is relative.. Mr. Webster also believes it is counsel, guidance and input.  Those are words I can manage. I can add my input, hope it has guiding value and trust that legal counsel is not an end result.

Go ahead....................ask me now;-)

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