Friday, March 13, 2015

Before I go

I read an interesting article yesterday written by a hospice caregiver.  She wrote about the 5 biggest deathbed regrets.  Each was eye opening and relative to each of us:

  1. People wished that they had been truer to themselves.  They wish they had done what they really wanted to do rather than what was expected of them.  I think this is much more relevant in the past generation. I know that my Dad wanted to be a sports writer and he would have been amazing. He knew teams and coaches, plays and contracts. He knew the whys and why nots and the impacts of dollars on deals... Let's face it, he knew everything........but he sold feed..and oil...and spent his entire life working with his father who was pretty much not someone he (or anybody) could make happy. He did what was expected rather than what he loved. Sad.
  2. They wish they hadn't worked so hard. Every single male she cared for expressed this regret. Women also voiced regrets but the fact that the majority she talked with were from an older generation, more women had stayed home and raised their families. The men realized that they could have lived with less to be with their families more.  I am extremely thankful that I was able to stay at home, raise my kids, participate in community and be part of Lee's business without the 9-5 restraints.
  3. They wish they had had the courage to express their feelings. I'm really good on this one. I've never had an issue saying how I feel.  If I dislike you, you probably know it.  If I love you, you probably know that too and if I disagree with you, you absolutely know it!  I can't change how people will react to what I say but most will know that with me, sugar coating is only on my doughnuts!
  4. They wish they had stayed in touch with friends.  I'm making up for lost time. Yay Face Book and thank you Mark Zuckerburg for giving me a venue to reconnect, share stories, break bread and reminisce with those I have loved for decades.  No regrets here now!
  5. They wish they had let themselves be happier. Shoulda, coulda, woulda...................Happiness is a choice only you can make. Many folks from past generations were burdened with a fear of change.  It was easier for them to pretend to others that they were content...(ie: Buzz/Hewitt Brothers.)  I say to my friends, my kids and anybody who will listen, YOU are the only one who can make you happy. It's your choice!  Do not die with this regret....many things in life prohibit options.....happiness isn't one of them. Happiness can be scrambled eggs for supper or filet mignon, going to movie or reading a book at home, skydiving or kite flying.... All your choices... Lucky you!
My Grandpa always said, "I'd rather be ready and not go then to go and not be ready!"  So get ready everybody because we're all true to yourself, slow down and enjoy, say what you think, call your friends and most of all, Don't worry, BE HAPPY!!!!

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