Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Here we are again... The great test debate! Social media , at least locally, is all over the "opt out" discussion....almost ad nauseam.  I get it! I absolutely do....but I have some issues with actually not taking the test. I wholeheartedly disagree with the whys of Common Core testing and the uses of the data. I agree that so much time is wasted on the practice tests and the actual tests that basic learning (and loving to learn) is becoming a thing of the past... (which just may come to bite the proponents in their future asses.)  I do not, however, have a problem with actually taking the test.  I'm a bit scattered in many ways with the entire issue but in my opinion (which I generally share freely and usually no one solicits) opting out is copping out.  I get the grand picture. The whole numbers thing and we can't stop it if we don't all rally but the opting out message is not the one I want to teach my granddaughter.  "Take it, do your best, don't stress and move on!"  They needn't  know any more than the results of their test will not go against their grades and if they do their very best, nobody will ask for more.... OK, they'll ask but that's an issue for another day!

Testing, testing..1...2...3, testing.... I'm not a fan of testing.... any kind of testing.  I know, I just said 50 words ago that I wouldn't want Bailee opting out of testing.  So I must love testing...NOT..It's the getting out of doing something hard and unpopular that I disagree with. In my humble opinion, testing proves very little.  I take one of those silly tests on Face Book nearly every day. ( I know I have too much idle time.suck it up time's my own)  According to the results of these highly educational exams, I have a PhD, am close to my sister, am a wonderful cook and love purple....Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.  See, tests suck.  but I took them and filed the results right where all grades should go...

So here's hoping that the great Opt Out Debate will soon be over and we can move on to more pressing things like spending $50,000,000.00 on a new skating rink and horse arena rather than funneling it into education. It's all about priorities folks.  I've obviously been watching way too many episodes of House of Cards.

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