Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Two thumbs.............

Ok here goes:  First let me preface my remarks with two things.  War movies are not my genre of choice.  Taste, as in beauty, are in the eyes of the beholder.  Just because I don't enjoy a certain meal at a restaurant, doesn't mean it's not good.  It just means I didn't care for it or it wasn't something my palate enjoyed. The same in movies.  I love movies!  Hey, I built a theater in my basement.  I love the solitude of the theater, the uninterrupted venue and of course, the popcorn.  I also want to be entertained.  Here again plays preference.  I like to laugh and I like to smile.... War doesn't do that for me. 

American Sniper was more than I wanted to know.  Undoubtedly not more than I should know but definitely more than I wanted to know. Although, I believe it is knowledge that I needed to know.  I have been fortunate in the fact that my family, with the exception of my grandfather who fought in WWI, never experienced war. Am I sorry that our past few generations never faced those circumstances... not for one, solitary second!  I know knowledge is power and ignorance is bliss...I guess I just want that happy medium.  My brain knows why I'm able to say what I want, live where I choose and carry on my daily life in safety.  My heart grieves for the many Chris Kyles who have literally given minds, bodies and souls to allow me to be oblivious to the ravages of war (albeit for stories such as ""Saving Private Ryan, Lone Survivor and American Sniper.)  They are also the reason that I, not the American government, the leader of North Korea or anyone else, can make the choice in what I watch and what I do not!

American Sniper was a graphic, teaching, touching film.  Making it even more so was the beforehand knowledge of Chris Kyle, the tragic ending of his life and the belief that his actions were heroic in his heart and mind....not just the "machoism" that comes from being military and is drummed into each and every soldier from day one but he believed that what he was doing was protecting every soul on American soil.

I'm often my own worst enemy when I become my own devil's advocate.  Was he doing all the wrong things for all the right reasons?  I am as patriotic as anyone! I believe in God, I believe in democracy and I believe in freedom.  I'm not sure I believe in war!  I know why there is war and will always be war but, as I said yesterday, I don't believe killing those who are killing will stop killing!! Once again the battle of head versus heart continues to wage.  My very own internal war....how ironic!

For me and likely only me, it was a movie I could have missed.

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