Monday, January 12, 2015

Regrets..............Not so much!

We all have regrets. Some may be bigger than others and yet..................some may be much smaller.

As I lay in bed last night, I thought about all the things you hear people say they wished they had done.  I decided to make a mental list so I'd have it to use in a future blog....or even just a conversation.  Imagine how amazed I was when I literally couldn't think of one.  I'm sure other folks could take my life and experiences and say:

I wish I had given birth..........HELL no. I've heard the stories and I'm 100% convinced that having a baby go in is way more fun that having one come out!  My children are my children from the very second they were delivered. End of story!

I wish I had completed my college degree..............Possibly but no regrets.  I went to a prestigious college (keep in mind it was the 70's) and remember withdrawing from a course called "Language and Thought."  Our professor would come to class each week with different color hair....problem was, he had no hair. It wasn't pretty. Although I withdrew fairly early in the semester, I received a B+...He was pretty much into more language than thought!

I wish I had traveled more..............Not at all. Travel costs money....lots and lots of money.  I chose (and still do) to invest in things that will last.  Going to Vegas would seldom win out over buying a new couch.  Not that I'm into "having" things but having versus spending makes much more sense to me. I can purchase a book and transport myself to almost any place in the world..or even out of it for mere pennies.

I wish I were skinny............Been there, done that...the only thing on the plus side (pun intended) of thin is a bit more variety of clothing.  Thank God that Thomas Hancock invented elastic!  If fat doesn't bother me, it shouldn't bother you.  I can still clip my toe nails and raise my leg above my shoulders...please do not inquire how I know this ;-)

I wish I had a relationship with my sister........This probably won't win me any popularity contests but
this answer is "No" as well.  Blood is not thicker than water. Two people couldn't be more totally opposite or less likely to be friends.  It's OK, I have so many amazing friends and a Hatfield family that understands the meaning of the word.

At the end of my horizontal thinking session, I did come up with one thing that I might regret. I might have liked to write something, maybe advertisements/commercials, that would make people laugh. I laugh out loud all the time. (Which very well may get me placed in a "facility" sooner rather than later.) I laugh at Face Book jokes, TV commercials, movies, sit coms and people in WalMart but most of all, I laugh at myself...and if you can't do that, your shirt's stuffed a little too tight!

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