Monday, September 8, 2014

Happy Manday

No, that's not a typo.... You know I love Mondays and if I have X & Y chromosomes instead of merely 2 X's, I'm ok with that.  It might explain the mustache.....but that's a blog for another day :-/  I'm beginning this new week by taking a deep breath and trying to remember that I cannot fix everything for everybody.  I wish I could but "I can't!"  I can fix the washer, I can fix the checkbook, I can fix plants, I can even fix my Fantasy Football team to make them more successful....... I CAN NOT fix the legal world, health care, politicians and stupid.....  Oh that was being redundant wasn't it?

I can, however, hope.  And today I hope that this is The Week!!  My 'kids" have worked hard in preparation for the move to their new house.  If there was one bump in the road, they've landed in a speed bump factory and the sign over the door says "Murphy"....(Murphy's Law.)  Fingers crossed till they ache, spared a cricket it's life (that one too;-), refused to walk under or even carry the ladder, threw salt over my shoulder and said my prayers slowly and out loud in case he's even hearing impaired.  Let's see if all that helps to fix their homelessness;-)  If not, I'm calling Kerry Washington and beginning a Scandal!

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