Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of 3rd Grade:-)

.............................Summer's over and on to a brand, new school year:-)  Each year Bailee grows taller and the Rose of Fuzzy (Sharon) bush is right on track.  I'm hoping this will be another great year.  As much as we all complain about budgets, Common Core, government involvement in education and soaring taxes, we have the best school district.  We're surrounded by caring, competent teachers and administrators who give more of themselves than anyone realizes.  These kids, no matter their ages, are our babies and grandbabies.  We are fortunate that class size is workable, empathy is abundant and enthusiasm is obvious.  These men and women are teachers because they want to be...not because they have to be. How fortunate are we?

Here's to excited kids, science projects, math headaches, surprises in lunch pails, art projects that need to be translated, learning cursive on their own, spelling tests, popcorn and movie days, holidays and much more.  This is the best time ever and we're all pretty lucky to live in a town where knowing that it takes a village to raise a child is more than just words:-)

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