Thursday, September 25, 2014

90 Short Days

In 90 short days, we'll be sitting down to Christmas dinner.  Many complain that we rush the season.  How can anticipating and planning and enjoying such a special time of year be something to complain about? As Bailee says, "Deal about it!"  Unless you're the kind of shopper that cares little about the gifts you give or the recipients of those gifts, now is the time to search for just the right gift.  I've always prided myself in listening throughout the year to catch an idea for the perfect gifts(s) for those I care about.  I'm not a last minute Louie who runs out on the 23rd and grabs a gift card, a candle or trinket (unless of course, they've mentioned a particular one that they need or want.)  I know it sounds trite but I so love giving more than receiving....Now don't get me wrong...I've never turned down anything chocolate or a new bit of technology.  I'm also an ornament freak... Hallmark and I have an extremely close relationship.  Once again, I give and they receive ;-)  On Thanksgiving night, it's our ornament and paper preview.  Everyone unwraps their new ornaments that have been wrapped in the paper that Sandy Claus will cover their packages in on Christmas morning.  No need to search for silly tags and much easier to count each one's haul.....After 30+ years, that part of Christmas is finally fading away.....This year may shock them as presents get pricier and wish lists grow more practical.  So, if you're whining that there are already aisles of Christmas decorations and wrappings popping up in stores, think of me and remember I need just the right paper, for just the right package for just the right people and I need it soon!!!!

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