Monday, June 9, 2014

All in a Name

I was reading a book the other day and one of the characters continually called her parents "Mother and Dad."  I could actually hear my Mom calling her folks that. I never recall her referring to her Mom by anything other than "Mother" or possibly Grandma if she were talking about her to us, the grandchildren.  I guess I always thought of it as a respectful thing but then again, Grandpa was always "Dad" or sometimes even, "Daddy" to her.   It's funny how different circumstances (and traditions) name the significant people in your life. My folks were always just Mom and Dad.  Both sets of grandparents were always Grandma and Grandpa Hewitt/Tice.  My brother used to call our Dad, "Pop" and I hear Jeff often calling Lee, "Pops!" (neither ever knew the other.)  Papa has become a very common moniker for Grandpas these days.  Bailee has always called Lee that as she had difficulty as a toddler saying her hard g's.  We were Mama and Papa and I somehow, evolved into Grandma when the "G" became doable.  I know lots of Memas and Mimis, Papas and Pop Pops and even a Granddad or two. Affectionate names for spouses and significant others are abundant.  The old standbys of honey (hon) and sweetheart are bantered a bit. Lots of "babes" from the next generation and around here a "bitch" or two on rare occasions... obviously unearned but mumbled out of shear frustration from a disgruntled spouse.  I'm sure Bailee deems it to be a term of endearment as we all know it really is;-)
Nicknames stick, so we try to be very careful what little love monikers we call babies and toddlers....Jeff is still "Hank", Brian - "Elmer", Jamie - "Fred" and Jess will forever be "Moose!" Even adults are stuck with beauties like "Lumpy" for Jon, "Ka-Ka" for Kyle and "Honey Ray" will forever be "Radar!"
I'm happy to report that our house is filled with "the Hippie, Hank, Moose and B or Boo and nurtured by none other than "Peanut!"  Hmmmm...I might see a cartoon in our future!

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