Monday, April 8, 2013

The Following

Both eagles holding down the fort

Ruling the roost ( the mate is between the two branches)

"Back off you guys, I'm trying to figure out how to fly this to my nest!"

Photo by Laura Bowen
Yesterday was "eagle  day."  I finally drove down into the corn field and watched, photographed and marveled in my good fortune.  To have this eagle's nest so close, so visible and so active is a dream come true for an "new" old birdwatcher.  I have had so much fun this past 5 years just watching the wildlife whose habitat we invaded.  They have been so gracious to allow us to move in.  We took great pains in what we removed and where we placed our new nest.  When  downy, hairy and flicker woodpeckers showed up for meals, I was ecstatic.  The day the elusive pileated woodpecker decided to grace us with his presence was a big check mark off my bucket list.  I've seen a red tailed hawk snatch a tiny bird off our porch feeder, a murdered hawk's remains on our smoke house roof, bear tracks and the after effects of his visit, a wild boar, hundreds of deer, turkeys , raccoons. woodchucks and coyotes. So, when the eagles appeared last year, euphoria set in.  We now drag in road-kill for meals (for them, not us), we've purchased expensive binoculars, cameras and tripods and I have wasted (enjoyed) enumerable hours waiting, watching and following
I'm pretty sure there are eggs in the nest as one eagle appeared to be bobbing in and out of the nest while perched on the side.  One eagle always remains in the nest and last night I was able to video a determined parent trying valiantly to transport (fly) supper (woodchuck) home to the family. Now, that's "take-out!" I wish I were savvy enough to get the video on here....if I'm not successful, check out my Face Book page.
I know how addicted peeping Tom's must be. The voyeur in me is exploding. Thankfully, this is many fun things ..are not!

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