Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Facebook has a fun "tradition" of posting TIATF (Today I am thankful for) statuses in November.  It gives us a chance to have glasses half full versus those half empty glasses that we complain about the other 11 months. Today this is my post!

TIATF: my Hatfield family.... the entire goofy bunch! They have taught me the values and traditions of family. I was thinking this morning that I only remember one single Thanksgiving with my side of the family ( and that could be forgotten in a snap. mashed potatoes from a box...NOT)......I do, however; remember every single holiday on the hill. We may agree to disagree on some issues and we may do some things differently but every single member is but a phone call away if needed. We all have Grandma Iva to thank for the often unsaid bond that squishes us together. I wish you all a wonderful day tomorrow and thank you for being my family too ♥

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