Monday, April 3, 2017

Home Sweet Home

It was an amazing week but it's ALWAYS good to be home.  We had wonderful traveling weather but south and north. We spent the night on the road going down but made the whole trip in 13.5 hours straight through on the way back home. Our new vehicle rode beautifully.  B enjoyed the DVD player and I like the moon/sun roof....nothing like blue sky!

The Myrtle Beach weather cooperated for our week. One night of rain but cleared by 10:30 a.m. and was beautiful. We hit restaurants, aquariums, Ripley's museum, shopping, the pools, hot tubs and the beach. We visited Aunt Kyle and Uncle Ray at their MB home and they spent a day at the pool with us.

It was SO nice to have Jeff's Charlotte family ALL come and visit us. Helen and Christy Lima, Dave Montgomery, Sean and Skylar Graham and Deb and Mike Carter. What wonderful friends they are♥

The grandkids were great.  Jett kept us all on our toes and made us smile a lot. Julz enjoy tanning, chasing her brother (ok maybe she didn't enjoy that so much) and face timing with Sebastian.  There's a good chance that Bailee may have to have her phone surgically removed from her hands ...or at least her thumbs.... She did reaaally well chilling during her 13+ ride home.  (I am; however, a firm believer that kids have too many electronics.... ) That could be age related!

I left last week being a young 64 and returned an old 65 :-(  I did get a chance to celebrate with my nursery mate , Kyle Dyer, who also reached 65 the following day.  It seems like just yesterday I was singing the "The Age of Aquarius" at graduation and now it's "The Age of Medicare!" WTH!

It was a great week. I'm now looking forward to adding some new chicks to our brood, bringing the outdoor play yard from Jess's for Jett and waiting the arrival of this spring's baby eaglets.

Excited to Spring ahead!

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