Friday, April 21, 2017

Easter Traditions

As kids, we always went to church on Easter Sunday.....we went to church every Sunday until the Moravia and Locke churches merged and our church was torn down.  We sang in the choir, "acted" in pageants, learned about communion, proudly were attendants in the Tom Thumb wedding, sat in the same pew each Sunday, enjoyed fellowship on Sunday nights at M.Y.F. (Methodist Youth Fellowship and Sunday school each Sunday morning.  Unfortunately, that tradition didn't move with time.  My children were both baptized, Bailee went to church as a toddler but somewhere, sometime, it stopped.  Pretty much my fault I'm sure.  I have always said my prayers from "Now I lay me down to sleep" right through the Lord's Prayer to date.  I always talked with my kids about religion, read the stories from Moses to, Noah, to the true meanings of Christmas and Easter.  Through a lot of my life I haven't been a big "Yay God" person.  What kind of a God thinks it's right to take children from their living, loving parents and family. No one ever had a good answer for me....they still don't but as I've become older and wiser (contrary to some popular belief) I understand that not all bad things happen to bad people and that not all good things happen to good ones. I digress......

Easter ..both of my children have a keen awareness of this holiday and the reason for the season. Jeff, at age 3-4, would tell the story about Baby Jesus getting nailed to a cross ( I believe he said boards) and would proclaim "and you know what? That sucker couldn't move a muscle!!"  Jess held a firm belief that there was "No way Plymouth Rock would just roll away and Jesus would just appear!" I tried my best folks..... honestly!

Bailee and I have talked and I'll have the talk with Jett one day, but for now... our Easter traditions encompass egg hunts with clues to an Easter basket filled with way too much stuff, dinner with family and laughing about Aunt Kim's need to buy anything she sees but still seat us all and fill our tummies with the best food ....ever.

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