Friday, January 27, 2017

I Can't Help Myself

Lately I have realized that I often have little control of the things I do (and possibly say!) I'm laying blame to a small part of my brain that is totally reflexive and has adapted itself to my masochistic tendencies.  For example:

I know that I should often NOT hit enter on my keypad.  It's perfectly OK to have typed what I just needs not to be anyone...ever!  sometimes, I can't help myself!

I see a comment on FB and I wonder if that person has a vision or hearing deficit or if they're actually just idiot.   I join the discussion.....I can't help myself!

I have emptied 5 small bags of conversation hearts into the valentine jar and proceed to devour 1 (BAG) throughout the next several days.......I just can't help myself!

I join the gals at Texas Roadhouse for supper... The rolls are served...and eaten, the next basket arrives..and well you know, I can't help myself!

There's a birthday, a shower, a wedding of some event coming soon.  I want to all....I can't help myself!

Amazon merely exists and ships for FREE....I can't help myself!

If there's an opening for a sarcastic remark,,I truly can't help myself!

I see a project on Pinterest, Etsy, HGTV or DIY, I need to do it...I can't help myself!

If I think something's funny, I laugh..out loud...a lot, I can't help myself!

On the positive side, if I can make someone else laugh.... I can't help myself!

Peanut butter, chocolate, bacon, cheese and garlic.................................I can't help myself!

I spot one of the resident eagles and I grab my camera.... I have literally thousands of pictures but...I can't help myself!

A new book from one my favorite authors...I buy it (for my Kindle)...I can't help myself!

It's a holiday, I decorate..I can't help myself!

I have become a creature of habit,  a bit of a recluse unless it involves a meal, a lover of all things feathered, a disciple of (although far from adept) technology and a Sarah Palin-like Mama Bear who feels an absolute need to shield and advocate for my family whether they are 1 or 100! I can't help myself!!   

I write a blog where I can praise myself, question myself or even scold myself but I just can't always help myself ;-)    ( unless it's bacon... and then I can always help myself!!!!                    

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