Thursday, February 2, 2017

Ground Hog Day

This just might be "My Day!"  I've become an old creature of habit...which means someone who is "extremely used to their own habits and does not function well without them!" Throw in a little bit of superstition and ....yep, that's me! Some would presume that makes life a little boring.  I think that makes life just fine.  I have a slight routine and I'm quite content following it.  Once in a while a little challenge or twist is a good thing but I enjoy my lifestyle and I can certainly handle 6 more weeks of winter...each day is a gift no matter the season or the weather. Boy, I am sounding geezerly!  

This just might be "My Day!"  I've become an old creature of habit...which means someone who is "extremely used to their own habits and does not function well without them!" Throw in a little bit of superstition and ....yep, that's me! Some would presume that makes life a little boring.  I think that makes life just fine.  I have a slight routine and I'm quite content following it.  Once in a while a little challenge or twist is a good thing but I enjoy my lifestyle and I can certainly handle 6 more weeks of winter...each day is a gift no matter the season or the weather. Boy, I am sounding geezerly!  

This just might be "My Day!"  I've become an old creature of habit...which means someone who is "extremely used to their own habits and does not function well without them!" Throw in a little bit of superstition and ....yep, that's me! Some would presume that makes life a little boring.  I think that makes life just fine.  I have a slight routine and I'm quite content following it.  Once in a while a little challenge or twist is a good thing but I enjoy my lifestyle and I can certainly handle 6 more weeks of winter...each day is a gift no matter the season or the weather. Boy, I am sounding geezerly!  

This just might be "My Day!"  I've become an old creature of habit...which means someone who is "extremely used to their own habits and does not function well without them!" Throw in a little bit of superstition and ....yep, that's me! Some would presume that makes life a little boring.  I think that makes life just fine.  I have a slight routine and I'm quite content following it.  Once in a while a little challenge or twist is a good thing but I enjoy my lifestyle and I can certainly handle 6 more weeks of winter...each day is a gift no matter the season or the weather. Boy, I am sounding geezerly!  

 Get it?

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