Wednesday, January 11, 2017

January Organizing

It seems January is the time to sort, file, discard and ultimately spend hours looking at stuff and least that's what every advertisement for every store wants you to believe.  They led me to water and I'm drinking!!  My filing cabinet is leaner...unfortunately it's because I moved things to other places and not just threw things away. I am aging and therefore cannot bring myself to throw away what was once just stuff but is now nostalgia.  Funny how perceptions change!

One file in particular was labeled Fillmore Recreation, Inc. Awesome black and white photos of the beginnings of what 10 men thought would be a successful project for our community. Maybe a bit ambitious but for the good of everyone...purchasing the Dairy Bowl and bowling alley, building a golf course and a ski area and looking forward to recreation that was nearby and affordable. These men invested not only their capital but their time and manpower.  I remember my Dad going up on Tollgate to pick rock nearly every single night after supper.  Most folks probably think he just sat behind his desk (the very desk that I'm sitting at right now) and made money.,,,,,,little did they know.
He wasn't alone! He'd be joined by Larry Fleckenstein, Bucky Smith and others who would work till dark in a effort to keep costs down. That was well over a half century ago and I remember it like yesterday...OK maybe not like yesterday .......    I barely remember what I did yesterday but you get my drift.  Some efforts failed and some succeeded.  The last of their endeavors is still hanging on.......... Fillmore Golf Course.  To all of us on the outside, it seems that it should be flourishing. It sits atop a hill and looks over the green Owasco Valley...just like our Alma mater proclaims. Many folks say it's a good course.  Owners have come and gone over the past 50+ years, some successful, some less than:-(  Our wedding reception was held there and we had a lovely day....42 years ago.

The community took an interest and for the most part, participated as best they could...yet everything seemed to peter out.  It takes so much more than just interest to sustain ventures.  So many times a rec center for kids has been tossed around for the village.  Most think it's a worthwhile project but it never gets off the ground.  Our schools are really are rec centers.  Most kids are involved in some kind of sport or musical activity and the ones who aren't, could care less about socializing with other kids in a productive way... that's just the way it is.

It's kind of sad. Our priorities have changed a bit and our pocket books may be a bit heavier but our obligations are as well.  Fifty plus years ago these folks pictured below were no different than we might be now.....OK, maybe they're dressed a bit better, despite the socks, but they just wanted to have a great community that offered as much as it could to its residents.  These were all really good people!!!! and guess what, we have really good people here right now.  Recently, a student at MCS had a horrific accident and nearly didn't make it. The outpouring from our community and all of those surrounding us has been extraordinary!  When push came to shove, we all pushed with our wallets, our prayers and our hearts.  We are really no different than those pictured below.

So, somewhere, someone has cut out the articles, printed the posts and saved the outpouring of care. They'll sit in a drawer, a folder or a box for 50+ years till one January day, our kids or theirs, will decide to clean and organize because that's what the commercials have instructed them it's time to do. Hopefully, they'll "waste" a day reminiscing and trying to put names to faces and think, "Wow, we didn't fall far from the tree."  In 2017, our little community was pretty awesome....just like it will still
be on that day!

My Dad is speaking and in the crowd sits Grandpa Hewitt and my Uncle Barney along with many others who left us a pretty great little community!

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