Monday, March 14, 2016

Stuck in the Middle (Story 2)

I like to believe that every single family has it's share of dysfunction.  It makes me feel less flawed.  It's not that I wish discord of any sort on anyone but being related doesn't necessarily mean you relate.
For nine and a half long years I have had one grandchild and she has had one Grandma....  Win/win in our case.  I've been blessed to see her often and share her good days, bad days and any days!!!!  For the last several months, It seems that every time I'd like to spend time with her, her Mom prefers that she stay home.  That makes me sad.  We've had some pretty heated discussions about it, especially since her Mom has a new job and works second shift. I try to only ask for her when her Mom is working.

Not much gets by an inquisitive, intelligent nine year old. Although I'm generally on the other end of the phone line, she gets it.  When she is with me, I'll tell her how happy I am that she's here and how sad I feel when she can't visit.  It's my own little pity party and I probably over share.  She'll rub my arm, kiss my cheek and say, "Well I'm here now!"  Who's the adult I think to myself.

The other day we were discussing Easter.  Holidays and birthdays are pretty big in our world.  Spoiling isn't mandatory or expected but it's my choice and a right of grand-parenthood.  I asked what she might like in her Easter basket this year.  I could see the wheels turning and I'm always entertained and often amazed by her wants versus her needs.  This time was no exception.  "Grandma, if I could only have one thing for Easter this year........I'd want you and Mom to stop arguing over me!"  You've got it baby.... a whole basket full of it!  No more stuck in the Middle!

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