Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Bloody Mess

I have never been a fan of roller coasters. Rode one once and it was enough to last a lifetime. I find myself riding one every day and it takes a little getting used to.  This diagnosis of diabetes has changed my lifestyle just a hair.... a big, thick, long, tangled hair!  It began a couple of weeks ago when I got the call that my a1c level plopped me into the diabetes (pre-maybe.) My Dr. put me on meds twice a day with the encouragement to change my eating habits. I knew that someday my eclair for lunch and smarties for snacks would catch up to me.  They caught me.  The weirdest part is that I didn't feel bad until I started to take the meds. So, adjusting my food choices has helped. The absence of snow has helped and the meds (now down to one a day) are supposedly helping.  I opted to test twice a day to see where I truly was on the blood sugar scale.  I've read several books and articles and they ALL have a different normal range. I prefer this one as I have always tested in this range so far!
Today I am giving myself a big "Atta Girl" as I am 2 weeks sweet free.....No cookies, candies, ice cream or treats of any kind.....except kisses from my grands which are totally enough to push me over the edge but I maintain!!!
I realize that this isn't just a diet of the usual fad kind.  It's going to be the new norm for me.  Which, in itself, will be interesting as there's never really been anything normal about I've been told ;-)  I'm trying to acclimate myself to the daily roller coaster.  Up in the morning and down at night. Now that the days are longer.. (yes I realize they still contain 24 hours,) I might be able to grab a little walk after dinner...that might help. My knees are really arguing with me about the walking thing.  One used to do most of the talking but now they're fighting with each other. Uneven ground is their nemesis and we're surrounded by it. Dodging my feathered friends' feces makes for even rougher terrain but we'll get the job done.  I may have to cross the road and wander with the coyotes for an evening walk.  I guess if I have to start eating trees, I might as well learn to walk among them.
Old dog + new tricks = a grouchier senior citizen! This could get bloody!

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