Monday, February 8, 2016

Our Jett has arrived♥

Our Jett arrived !! He is the most beautiful little person I've seen since 9 years ago on November 17th.  His Mom was AMAZING!  She toughed out the labor and delivery without the help of drugs.... not because it was her choice but the epidural didn't do it's job...for whatever reason.  As they say, there is no greater pain and nothing more worth it.  We saw that beautiful head of hair followed by the most handsome 20 inches of grandson.......ever!  I must thank his Mom and Dad for allowing Mima and me to be there to witness such a precious moment with our beautiful kids... words are inadequate.

He's about 4 minutes old here and he'd just heard his Dad's voice...which he instantly recognized. This moment will be etched in my heart forever!

Every inch of him is total perfection....from his beautiful hair to his tiny little fingernails, his perfect little ears to his long, beautiful fingers and toes and his private parts that his Dad has been so proud of since the first time he saw them in an ultrasound.

Jett Hewitt Hatfield holds a special place in my heart as he will carry on the Hewitt name which, since my brother's passing many years ago, has been missing! I can't tell you how my heart smiles thinking they chose that name...without suggestion I might add :-)

So, on this glorious Monday morning, life is good.  Jett Hewitt Hatfield arrived on Saturday, February 6, 2016 @ 12:48 a.m., weighing in at 6#15.7 oz (7#) and 20 " tall!  Seven pounds of PERFECT!!!!

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