Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Politics makes Strange Bedfellows!

Charles Dudley Warner said that.....pretty smart fellow I'd say.  He died in 1900 and was a literary pal of Mark Twain. (I'm sure Charlie was a name dropper way back then too.) It's always kind of interesting (at least to me) to research those unknowns whose comments lived on long after they were forgotten... Surprise...Charles was born in Massachusetts but as a young boy moved to Cazenovia, N.Y.  Even more surprising. He graduated from Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y. (I'm sure the bedfellows and "Clinton" are purely coincidental ;-)

Charles was a bit of a soothsayer.  Another of his famous quotes was, "Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it!" He seemed to have a handle on the buzzwords of life in any century, politics and weather.

Nobody knows his name, I'm sure. He wrote many books and essays and seem to have a pragmatic way of looking at nearly everything.  His two long living quotes have made it to the 21st century. I wonder how that works....(yes Bailee, that's a rhetorical question little smarty pants!)  What quotes from this year's political fray do you think will live on in infamy? I'm hoping it's "Let's Make America Great Again!"  I'm part of the outraged majority that is so fed up with politics, which I basically enjoy, and the intelligent minority, who say, "seriously?" to me...a lot!

Super Tuesday is next week and we will see what fallout occurs from that one day.  Bedfellows may become stranger and like the weather, we may all complain.  Depending on your side of the issues, the weather may get brighter or we may be in for one hell of a storm... Either way, it won't be for the faint of heart and the weak of mind.  People are talking who never liked politics. People are listening who never cared what they heard and people will be voting who never, ever voted before....Those are all very good things! As Sidney Poitier once said, "If I'm remembered for having done a few good things, and if my presence here has sparked some good energies, that's plenty!"   right on Sidney...and Donald!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Simply Sad

We started the month filled with anticipation for Jett's arrival. He joined our world on February 6th.  Jubilation doesn't do his arrival justice.  Valentine's Day rolls around on the 14th and helps us all soar even higher as Jeff proposes and Lacie says "Yes!"  In a usually dark, cold and snowy month, rays of sunshine were busting out like June.  Then our roller coaster of emotions starts a downward spiral.  I never liked roller coasters!  On Tuesday, February 16th, my bright, talented, down to earth sister in law (and forever friend) took her last valiant breath.  The past few years had not been kind to her.  A failing body attached to a vibrant mind makes life a challenge...................which she bravely undertook.  Her nearly life long battle with diabetes culminated in repercussions that facilitated dialysis, poor circulation, breathing issues (God damned cigarettes) and even vision....but she courageously met every battle and triumphed for so long. It became abundantly clear to her that some earlier fail safes....were failing! She made the decision to end treatment and let it be...... No braver decision can ever be made.  She left this world surrounded by those she loved the most to enter into the next to see even more.  I'm pretty sure there's a lot of cookin' going on in heaven with three of the best... Grandma Iva, Grandma Nancy and now "Beulah!"  I'm hoping my Dad stops by to get the "scoop" on life on he hasn't be watching ;-)

      My faith is tested often but today I choose to believe.  The circle of life is in full swing. 

Wenda (Wendy) Jean Kehoe
Wenda (Wendy) Jean Kehoe, 64, of Moravia, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2016 after a lifelong battle with diabetes.  She was peacefully at home surrounded by her family.  Wendy was born on Oct. 21, 1951 in Cortland, N.Y., and was content to live her entire life in a small town where literally everyone knows your name and shares your joys and sorrows. 

Wendy loved to cook, bake, garden, preserve from her garden to share with all, travel, and most of all she loved spending quality time with her far reaching circle of family and friends (while almost always arriving fashionably late).  One of her greatest virtues was the ability to find happiness in what others found insignificant. 

Wendy was a graduate of Moravia Central School where she enjoyed music through both band and chorus.  She was crowned FFA queen and served as Cayuga County Dairy Princess.  Her time as a member of the local 4-H club taught her many of the skills she carried throughout her life.  She also attended SUNY Geneseo.  Wendy worked for Welch Allyn, Hewitt Brothers Inc., and ended her employment career with the NYS DDSO. 

She was the daughter of Wendell Hatfield and the late Nancy Baker Hatfield.  She is survived by her daughter, Jill (Jim Reinhart) Kehoe; her son, Brian (Danielle) Kehoe, and her three amazing granddaughters, Gabrielle, Emily, and Allison.  Wendy also leaves behind her siblings, Lee (Sandy) Hatfield, Joy Hatfield Powers, Kim Signor, Jon (Lisa) Hatfield, and Lynn (Kelly) Hatfield; her lifelong friend, Merita Sheive, and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. 

Calling hours will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19, 2016 at the White Chapel Funeral Home, 197 South St., Auburn.  A private funeral service will be held at the convenience of the family.  Interment will be in Owasco Rural Cemetery. 

Memorials may be made to Four Town First Aid, P.O. Box 28, Moravia, NY 13118. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

A Valentine's Day to Remember

Who says an upstate February is bitter cold, snowy and unpleasant?  Not in our world.............  After a week of rejoicing in arrival of our healthy, handsome grandson, Valentine's Day was upon us. Just when we thought life was got "grander!"  She said "yes♥!"

Ask me a year (or two) ago what Jeff's future would be like and I would have explained that marriage wasn't for everyone, fatherhood was an unnecessary goal for some men and he was content with the world as it was....   Write this down.................I was wrong! Obviously, when the right two people are together, the stars align and much is right with the world. I fear articulating the peace this brings me.  I'm a wee bit superstitious! But for now, we are all blessed to be in this happy place with an amazing new addition to our family and a beautiful, gracious, gal ecstatic to join this crazy crew.

                                          Valentine's Day continues to bring us love and joy.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Our Jett has arrived♥

Our Jett arrived !! He is the most beautiful little person I've seen since 9 years ago on November 17th.  His Mom was AMAZING!  She toughed out the labor and delivery without the help of drugs.... not because it was her choice but the epidural didn't do it's job...for whatever reason.  As they say, there is no greater pain and nothing more worth it.  We saw that beautiful head of hair followed by the most handsome 20 inches of grandson.......ever!  I must thank his Mom and Dad for allowing Mima and me to be there to witness such a precious moment with our beautiful kids... words are inadequate.

He's about 4 minutes old here and he'd just heard his Dad's voice...which he instantly recognized. This moment will be etched in my heart forever!

Every inch of him is total perfection....from his beautiful hair to his tiny little fingernails, his perfect little ears to his long, beautiful fingers and toes and his private parts that his Dad has been so proud of since the first time he saw them in an ultrasound.

Jett Hewitt Hatfield holds a special place in my heart as he will carry on the Hewitt name which, since my brother's passing many years ago, has been missing! I can't tell you how my heart smiles thinking they chose that name...without suggestion I might add :-)

So, on this glorious Monday morning, life is good.  Jett Hewitt Hatfield arrived on Saturday, February 6, 2016 @ 12:48 a.m., weighing in at 6#15.7 oz (7#) and 20 " tall!  Seven pounds of PERFECT!!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Lead by Example

Well, it seems I have a bit of a reputation as being the grammar police. I cringe daily when folks write things like:  "Are family went to the zoo today." or "There the nicest people in town."  I really wince when "Jim went to dinner with Susie and I."  There are such simple rules to guide you.  Elementary and high school English provided many of them.  I've lightened up on spelling, we all make those mistakes occasionally..... but I've realized that speaking incorrectly leads to writing incorrectly.  The crux of the problem....leading by example or being a role model.  This pertains to life in general.  If you sit at the table with folks leaning all over it, chewing with their mouths open, reaching in front of others and handling their utensils improperly, there's a good chance you'll do the same.  Last night Bailee was shoveling up a piece of ham. I reminded her to turn her fork and hold it correctly. She knows how, she was just being lazy.  Her Grandfather asked her if she thought she would be able to sit at a table properly and eat a meal with the President.  (Poor example but I got his drift)  He explained that if you do things correctly, it becomes second nature and you don't even have to think about it. He said, "You're lucky you have a grandma and gramps that are good role models!"  I sort of choked a bit and waited for what I knew was coming.  "You mean like hiding Johnny Walker in your coffee mug and smoking?"  Kids today are pretty observant and pretty least this one.  It does however, prove my point..... If you lead (teach) by example, they'll usually just get it...and vice versa!
I remember my Mom always telling me that it doesn't take any longer to do things correctly than incorrectly....true story. Now don't get me wrong, I make mistakes all the time but I also re-read most everything I write and if I am questioning a spelling or usage, I look it up.  The sad part is that so many don't realize what they're saying or writing is incorrect. Maybe we should take a little more time in school (and home) to learn the basics.  The paper we waste by using five and six lines to figure out a simple math problem could be used to write poignant paragraphs of cursive!
And remember, if it takes a village to raise a child, we're ALL teachers. Let's lead by example!

Monday, February 1, 2016

IT'S FEBRUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We've waited  7 1/2  l-o-n-g months for February to roll around. Who really ever wants to even have a February..... for some, it's usually cold, snowy and dismal. Some are excited for it to be February because they have school's winter break. Some have birthdays which are actually fun to anticipate! Others relish the fact that it's the shortest month and the days are slowly getting longer. Well I can officially say that February is now one of my favorite months. It's baby Jett month and I can't wait.
The shower is behind us, we managed to get some really fun family maternity photographs and Mommy is officially out of work until the bump disappears and the fun begins (that would be right after delivery.)  I know that some don't have the affirmation of worthiness that I have in social media...namely Face Book but I think it's pretty awesome.  "We" have been doing weekly tummy shots of Lacie and Jett and each time I post them my beautiful Lacie gets over 100 genuine likes...everybody is SO excited for us all.  Their anticipation and excitement is so much fun for all of us. ♥
Mommy's bag is packed, Jett's bag is packed and even Grandma's bag is packed......Guess whose isn't??  Yep, Daddy is lagging and not sure what to expect and how to prepare himself.  I even packed a 'bag" for him for Christmas but I'm pretty sure he's eaten the snacks and worn the new underwear.....I can only do so much.  I supplied stress balls, phone chargers, ear plugs and magazines... Having never endured the process, (mine came wrinkle free, smelling delicious and sleeping through the night) I'm not certain how he'll handle the good, the bad and the ugly. Emotions will be high and in the end (literally) it will be freaking amazing.  I'm hoping I get to witness a tiny bit but will understand if it's the Mom, Dad and Jett show. That camera I ordered that slides under the door should let me take a peek.................................just kidding!!!
SO, the countdown is on.......due date is J minus 14 and counting.......I say this week!  We shall see!