Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday update....

Well what an eventful 12 days this has been.  We had a safe, sentimental and spectacular visit to Charlotte for Jamie and Jerm's wedding.  The traveling was tolerable, the skies were spectacular and the wedding was wondrous!  The "kids" did an amazing job putting together a day that brought families together in a joyous celebration.  Jeff was happy to reunite with his work and golf buddies that he has missed immeasurably.  The guys got together and hosted a Bar B Q full of good food and great memories.  It was hard for Jeff to leave them again:-(

Upon arriving home on Monday noon, I threw my leg over the lawnmower and my knee....."out!" I've been pretty much grounded until this week-end when I was able to put some weight on it... (Poor knee) and hobbled around without the walker... WTF.... It gave me a new and unwanted insight into immobility and old age.  Throw rugs are a no-no, hi-rise toilets are a must and it's mandatory that you plan each trip from your chair to your destination.  It mostly SUCKS!!!!  Thankfully, I have children who don't mind catering to my senility and grounding.  ♥ you Bailee, Jess, Jeff and Lace....  They obviously didn't learn that from their aunt. ( Was that my outside voice?) I've been moot too long and sometimes I must vent! We visited Grandma on Saturday and brought her a Mother's Day treat... She loves her sweets
Yesterday was my 36th Mother's Day and it was perfect!  All of the kids ( Jeff, Lace, Julz, Jess and B) came up in the morning bearing gifts and breakfast!  Gifts were all handmade and tear worthy.  My plan was to rest my knee and read my Kindle........that lasted about 20 minutes as I couldn't stand the dandelion ridden yard a second longer.  I gingerly climbed on the mower and sent them to seed (to make more..duh) but the lawn looks better.  Lee came home with a new duck pen for Huey, Louy, Dewey and Puddles.  They loved it!  After some feisty T storms, we headed to Pam and Greg's for a Mother's Day Cook!  Hail, rain and nature's fireworks.... which, btw, I love as long as I'm safe and dry, dotted the celebration.  Some more awesome handmade and revamped gifts from my Walter family made the perfect end to the perfect day!

Continually counting my blessings!

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