Friday, May 29, 2015

My Hometown

Finally, after my lifetime of being on Main Street, the Locke Fire Dept. is getting their new firehouse.  It will sit adjacent to their  "Fair" pavilions and banquet facility that they previously constructed on their property north of the hamlet.  It's all theirs!  Seems like a simple sentence but many have worked hard for a building that they would own, they could manage and they could say was all theirs for a long, long time.  I remember the very first year that the Fair came to Locke.  Jeff was a toddler and I had one of those huge, carry over your shoulder , state of the art video cameras. I filmed it all! There were no buildings, no power, no water, no nothing... Everything was moved to the fairgrounds by pick up, car, wagon, fire truck or trailer.  Tents were erected, picnic tables borrowed, used equipment purchased and all hands were on deck. If it rained, you got wet!  If the wind blew, you crossed your fingers and hoped the tents stayed safely bound down. If the people came, you made money... if they didn't, you lost your a$$, cleaned it all up and looked forward to the next year and the time when you could raise enough capital, garner borrowing power and build your dream facility.... one building at a time.  It's time!

This new facility will allow safer egress and ingress to the highway....something that the Department has stressed over for many years.  Safety has forever been an issue and it will now be a problem alleviated.  I'm sure we're all guilty of complaining about something in our little town but until you've walked a mile in their shoes, saved the majority of the hamlet from sheer destruction, pulled victims from burning buildings or mangled vehicles and all's most likely a good idea to "zip it!"

Hopefully the old "firehouse", which is owned by the town, will be revamped as useful and accessible town offices.  Main Street is seeing an uptick of new, young families eager to raise their families in a small town.  Families who will enjoy the camaraderie of their neighbors, the joy of kids riding their bikes, the holiday celebrations and some of the less stressful things of growing up. It worked for us!

Let's continue to support our local fire department. The fair will be here is a few weeks, pancake breakfasts will resume in the fall and remember that just one call to 911 and they'll be there in an instant. Donations are always accepted and appreciated...Let's continue to appreciate what we have!

( I know you've seen a lot of we's and our's and I no longer live in the hamlet... but my heart will always be where I grew hometown!)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Fowl weather

Well the weather has certainly been fowl around here.  We have chickens to the right , ducks to the left and turkeys stuck in the middle.  Ducks are the messiest creatures EVER! These four gems have outgrown their quarters and are missing accessible water 24/7.  We have many ideas for their new digs but we hate to set it all up and have to remove everything when the barn arrives.  Poor planning on my part and I generally pride myself on my planning skills.  I also didn't figure in the fact that I would be a one legged fowl keeper ....this has made me a little extra cranky and my family a tad more edgy to say the least.  The ducks are so much fun to watch but Lee remarked this morning that we need to sell them...So, then what will we watch?  We still find pleasure scoping out the chickens as they all have different but interesting personalities......even though they aren't really "persons!"  Dick and Steve have daily competitions to see who can nail more girls in a day. Steve's crow is louder but while he wins the crowing contest, I think Dick is younger, faster and much more virile. I now know exactly why the house of ill repute in the movie/Broadway show,  "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" was called the chicken ranch! If only I could be Miss Mona and collect the fees..... I could hire someone to do the chores. I'm struggling trying to decide if I'd rather be Old McDonald's wife or the Madame at the chicken ranch. My body says you already ARE Old McDonald's wife and you can dream of flying on those ceilings fans all you want but the only thing turnin' at EIEIO are the wheels on your walker. ( Sad but true) The decision's been made.  We'll just have to bide our time till the barn arrives and the plan comes together.  By then it'll be near fall and I'll have a whole new set of complications to "deal about!"  For now, it's just the fowl weather that keeps me groanin' and goin'!

Monday, May 18, 2015


Here we are.  Monday morning and my favorite day of the week (as you know.)  Lee is off to the heart Dr. for a stress test.  You'd think it was a transplant!!!!  Little does he understand that he provides me with daily stress tests and has for the most part of 40+ years. I truly believe our DNA (women) provides immunity against meltdowns and extraordinary stamina to fight the urges to murder...(or at least maim.)  His last test was passed by hair.  He said he was ready to give up when he decided to pretend he was chasing a huge buck he had hit.  He made the last few minutes in hot pursuit.  Today's test accompanies lungs that have once again been introduced to smoking.  Not the best strategy in the playbook if living is in your game plan.   We'll see what grade he gets and if the light bulb clicks on.  As they say, you can't fix stupid and that just plain IS!   Enough in the degradation dept......

It was a great week-end.  My knee is still on non-commission status but I'm hobbling along till June 1st and I can see an ortho Dr.  The weather was spectacular yesterday and Bailee, Jess, Papa and I got lots of fresh air.  Our critters are growing like weeds and the weeds are growing like wildfire.  All the lawns, trails and paths were mowed and our free range fowl were loving the dandelion buffet.  I'm pretty sure there will be no turkey dinners....Original and Extra crispy are just too darned cute. (besides, those are chicken names and they think that's what they are.)

I went to a beautiful baby shower for Rena James yesterday.. It was the best afternoon. Visiting with friends who I don't see that much anymore was an extra special treat.  Time is flying by a bit too fast and I miss those that have always been an integral and special part of the last few decades.  I'm not sure how to fix that... but I'm on it!  Rena and Sean have opted to not find out who's arriving next month.  I love that, as life is really not full of "good surprises" anymore..... and this sweet baby James will be an amazing surprise.

We're on to Memorial Day week-end and the beginning of summer. Once again, I pray for a healthy, seventy degree few months with lots of friends and family time...Fingers crossed!

Friday, May 15, 2015

We Bought A Barn

We Bought a Barn....It's not exactly like the movie, "We Bought a Zoo," but it's pretty close for us. Putting it in the context of a baseball game, having all our critters scattered in various residences is a "fowl" ball.  We seem to be running the bases but then we have to head back home and start all over again.  Soon, they'll all be in one place and the concession stand will be much handier. For us, well me at least, that's a HOME RUN!

My "go-to" guy for all things Shed is Dale Martin from Quality Sheds in Scipio. They built our  Cottage and their follow up and warranty services are unprecedented.  We've had some door issues and they're putting on our 3rd set of doors....FOC..  As any of my contractors (Dale, Josh, Billy, Al, Fred, Bruce) can attest to, I want what I want when I want it and they've all made it happen... I think their attention to detail and timely finishes may have something to do with limiting their time spent listening to me!!! Hey, whatever works........and they all  DO!

Our new Hobby Barn will look awesome.... I changed it up a bit and went with the Hunter green T-11 siding with clay trim and shutters...pretty much the opposite of what all the other buildings are but I think it will blend in really well.  Windows toward the house, their own little nesting boxes which open from the outside and even a nice linoleum floor.....(makes it easier to de-muck.)

My new EIEIO sign that Lacie made me for Mother's Day will be the centerpiece for décor. Maybe some window boxes too... The barn is 6-7 weeks out so I have time to plan.  Maybe have to scout the greenhouses for lots of varieties of orange flowers!  Nothing I love more than decorating project!
Hmmmm.... maybe a rooster weather vane????????

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hobby Farm

I've come to the conclusion that we need a barn. If this is EIEIO and we keep adding animals, it stands to reason that we need more than 1 tiny duck house, a mediocre chicken house and a smoke house converted condo.  We now have three places to feed and water, three homes to heat in the cold and three places that smell like shit.( if we don't count our bedroom somewhere between 9-3)... Just seems smart to consolidate everything into one waste treatment plant that produces eggs...and entertainment.  Either that, or we need a Guatemalan ranch hand.....maybe both.  I vote for the barn.... The fellow who built our cottage will be just the man for the job and he's worked with me before...He knows I want what I want and it's probably futile to argue with me.... Beside that, he's a Mennonite who has the patience of Job, a family of several able children and he delivers! This would mean that we would have a chicken coop for sale... All broken in and we might even throw in a rooster and a hen... What a deal. Here's what I envision but possibly in brown and green...CLICK_TO_ENLARGE T-1116-2.jpg


Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday update....

Well what an eventful 12 days this has been.  We had a safe, sentimental and spectacular visit to Charlotte for Jamie and Jerm's wedding.  The traveling was tolerable, the skies were spectacular and the wedding was wondrous!  The "kids" did an amazing job putting together a day that brought families together in a joyous celebration.  Jeff was happy to reunite with his work and golf buddies that he has missed immeasurably.  The guys got together and hosted a Bar B Q full of good food and great memories.  It was hard for Jeff to leave them again:-(

Upon arriving home on Monday noon, I threw my leg over the lawnmower and my knee....."out!" I've been pretty much grounded until this week-end when I was able to put some weight on it... (Poor knee) and hobbled around without the walker... WTF.... It gave me a new and unwanted insight into immobility and old age.  Throw rugs are a no-no, hi-rise toilets are a must and it's mandatory that you plan each trip from your chair to your destination.  It mostly SUCKS!!!!  Thankfully, I have children who don't mind catering to my senility and grounding.  ♥ you Bailee, Jess, Jeff and Lace....  They obviously didn't learn that from their aunt. ( Was that my outside voice?) I've been moot too long and sometimes I must vent! We visited Grandma on Saturday and brought her a Mother's Day treat... She loves her sweets
Yesterday was my 36th Mother's Day and it was perfect!  All of the kids ( Jeff, Lace, Julz, Jess and B) came up in the morning bearing gifts and breakfast!  Gifts were all handmade and tear worthy.  My plan was to rest my knee and read my Kindle........that lasted about 20 minutes as I couldn't stand the dandelion ridden yard a second longer.  I gingerly climbed on the mower and sent them to seed (to make more..duh) but the lawn looks better.  Lee came home with a new duck pen for Huey, Louy, Dewey and Puddles.  They loved it!  After some feisty T storms, we headed to Pam and Greg's for a Mother's Day Cook!  Hail, rain and nature's fireworks.... which, btw, I love as long as I'm safe and dry, dotted the celebration.  Some more awesome handmade and revamped gifts from my Walter family made the perfect end to the perfect day!

Continually counting my blessings!