Thursday, August 16, 2012


All you need to know in and around EIEIO and those who frequent here!

  • We have TWO eggs...!! Another appeared yesterday afternoon♥
  • Their new digs should arrive this afternoon.  (Had I known that Lee would fork over his hard earned money that easily, I'd have laid an egg!
  • A field of sunflowers is a glorious thing.
  • Steve Harvey ( our rooster) needs to have his pecker removed....the one he actually pecks with!!  and it appears they actually DO that!
  • The lawn is alive and thriving..Thank you Mother Nature!
  • Crickets chirp loud enough for Lee to hear them!
  • Our table is abundant with fresh vegetables. Thank you local Farmer's Market!
  • Jeff will be home in 1 week !!!!!!!!!
  • A family of blue jays has moved in.. They're noisy, hungry and very colorful!
  • EIEIO is remarkably more joyous with the laughter of a 5 year old!
  • Christmas shopping is full steam ahead.
  • Halloween costumes are complete.
  • November birthday plans are in the bag.
  • Fans are are open.....Aaaahhhhh
  • All is well..... at least for today!

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