Tuesday, August 21, 2012

News from the Hen House

Well, we all made the move to our new house.  It's taking some of the girls a little longer to get adjusted.  There are only 6 bedrooms and sometimes a few of the gals are trying to double bunk......not working too well... We'll all get the hang of it pretty soon.  One silly girl even laid her egg on the floor this morning while another couldn't find the "perfect bed" (she's so picky) so she just dropped the darn thing right out in the pen...  The other girls were so stinkin' curious they started pecking at it... Hey, I wonder if that's where "hen pecking" came from? Anyway.... it was a big night for the guys. They decided to fly the coop and explore EIEIO. I heard some chatter yesterday from the "lady of the house" about you'd better put a top on the pen...They'll fly out...especially now that they have more runway!" The man, Leroy, told her they couldn't fly that high and they'd be fine!  As we girls always knew.....the lady was right....again!  Today they're back here covering our pen with this cool green netting... We like how everything matches!!

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