Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Staying Sharp!

Signs of aging for me include loss of name recognition, my hands looking like my grandmother's, my verbal filter has totally left the building, sleeping in my chair,  declaring some friends..... family and some family.....strangers, and my inherited "kind of don't give a shit attitude about what other people think" flourishing!  I guess, for the most part, I'm an average senior citizen.

Another sure sign of aging is reading the AARP magazine when it arrives in my mailbox.  It usually hooks me with a handsome, white-haired, white-bearded senior (male, of course, a white-bearded female would be kind of a turn off) on the cover or a headline that I can immediately relate to...."How to Make your Kids Hate You"...that was a piece of cake.

So, in this month's AARP periodical, is an article on how to stay sharp for life...Unless I've totally lost my mind.... there wasn't one single answer or even clue in the entire article.  It kind of debunked a few old theories but didn't really share any positive tips. Are senior moments signs of dementia?..seldom. Does eating fish contribute to mercury affecting my brain...nope, it's good for you!  Does waking up tired and irritable forebode a shifting from a healthy to impaired brain function...probably..(shit!) Will high cholesterol lead to Alzheimer's...maybe,  Does diabetes decline your verbal memory....sometimes and do antidepressants make you gain weight.... not usually...   Not one of those paragraphs help me stay mentally sharp...unless.......they're hoping that weird seniors actually try and figure out what the hell they're talking about..In that case,  my mental acuity is still sharp enough to realize that their page-filler articles are just a bunch of poppycock. Poppycock...there's the proof in the pudding right there that I'm still tarp as a shack!!!!

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