Friday, February 1, 2019

Baby it's Cold Outside

It's cold!! Do I love it, not particularly but on the other hand, I don't hate it. I've lived here for my entire 67 years and have no desire to leave.  I have wintered in Florida....meh! I have vacationed in Hawaii, S, America, the Caribbean, Puerto Rico....meh!  They were all warm and wonderful but they weren't home.  Sunny days were great, rainy days sucked.  Sometimes it was too hot to be outside just as many days (weeks and months) are too cold to be outside here. I've always found it much easier to get warm than to get cool.  You can always put on more clothes but taking them off has its limits and its pathetic downside for those in eyesight!

Lee, on the other hand, takes blood thinners in his old age and dresses for a polar vortex in May. For him (and me,) a winter, Floridian vacation is a necessity.  His southern adventure is merely weeks away....and yes, I'm counting! Each day in February we are gaining about 1 minute of daylight. When we hit the spring equinox (March 21st,) we'll be gaining nearly 3 minutes per day. Every minute is a welcoming pill toward curing my SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder.)  Books help, TV helps and early to bed helps but nothing can trump daylight and sunshine!

Our winters as kids were cold and snowy.  Much colder and much snowier than this century. We had snow days when the roads were nearly impassable...few and far between!. I don't remember ever closing when it was cold...but I also don't remember parents micro-managing every single decision that happened in our schools.  I can't imagine having the responsibility to take care of 1300 kids from 4 -18.  Whatever those folks are paid, it might be too might seem like a lot but if you put things into perspective, it's pennies per child. Let them do their jobs and do yours too!

It does come down to doing what's best, meshed with doing what you can afford, intertwined with doing what makes you happy.  Baby it's cold outside but it's HOME!

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