Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Can't keep them......don't make them!  Although vows are just words they have a connotation connected with them that makes them almost holy.  Webster calls them a solemn promise by which a person is bound to an act, service or condition.  That's why marriage ceremonies include vows.  Marriages are like many of the things in life that we are unable to do unless we have complete knowledge and are actually licensed to driving a car, owning a firearm, teaching our children or practicing medicine...just to name a few!  They take forethought, desire, skill, patience, and the determination to be in it for the long haul.

Better   -   Worse
Richer   -   Poorer
In Sickness   -   and in Health
To Love   - and Cherish

It ain't easy folks but nothing worthwhile ever is. Just sayin'

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