Friday, October 14, 2016

Order in the Court!

Well finally.............................somebody is listening to our intelligent, articulate, frustrated, little (not so much) girl! It took years, innumerable trips to court, thousands of dollars in fees, arrests, orders of protection, indicated CPS reports, a law guardian who understood that no means no and finally an attorney who simply gave a shit!    And.... it sure didn't hurt that the wolf in Dad's clothing FORGOT about his court date!

The ball is literally in Bailee's court now and the weeks, months and years of fighting for her rights and well being are coming to fruition.  Hopefully, this will give her the sense of safety and well being that she has begged for in recent years.  Hopefully, she will begin to have positive feelings about adults and her self image will drastically improve. Hopefully, she will have the security and freedom to look forward to her week-ends and life in general.  Hopefully, her 11th year will be full of peace of mind, hope and positivity and the confidence that what you say and think is important......even if you're a child.

I love this little girl more than life.  She's wise, articulate, funny and beautiful.  Who cares if she can't carry a tune in a bushel basket ;-) She will be a strong woman in years to come and I'm eternally grateful that we finally had Order in the Court!

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