Monday, October 3, 2016


This guy steals my heart at every turn....and these days there are many!!!  His personality is such a vivid combination of his parents'.  He is funny, serious, happy, sad, miserable , cranky, loving, smart, crazy, snuggly, questioning and bizarre all rolled into one tiny human!!! He loves to eat, hates to sleep and smiles incessantly in between!  Each day he acquires a new talent or level of skill for things he's already doing. Safety at the 1 foot level has been achieved and anything not nailed down is gone... So much for the beautiful plants, flowers and candles.  He LOVES new faces which is sheer joy for me as I always felt badly for folks who picked up a baby and they screamed bloody murder if it wasn't Mommy or Daddy.  This guy loves a change of scenery on the quarter hour.  His Papa was never much of a baby guy but Jett has changed all that.. He shares pictures with his buddies, tells stories of his newest adventures and brags till the cows come home about how handsome and smart he is...(Jett not Papa)

Today I'm sharing his newest gift from his aunties, Helen and Christy from Charlotte. He'll be 8 months old this week and this Fall is sure to bring some of our cutest pictures yet... Wait till you see what we have in store for his Halloween, 8 month shot!  A little (tongue in cheek) candy porn ! 

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