Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Never Ever....

Never, ever have I loved my son more than today.  Jett has been under the weather for the past few days with a viral case of diarrhea.  Never fun...for anyone. Sleepless nights (just when he was getting the hang of it), bland food (just when eating everything was so much fun), Red, raw hiney (when going commando felt sooo good occasionally), and really only wanting Mom and Dad (when new faces and a change of scenery have always been his favorite!)

Mommy went back to work today so I stopped in to give Dad a chance to shower and do a few chores..(and to have a break!)  I watched Daddy lovingly, gently and antiseptically change Jett while simultaneously loving, kissing and caressing him!  He hugged him, played with him, walked with him and talked with him!  Then he changed the bed, did the dishes, folded the laundry and took out the trash.

I'm pretty sure my husband and my father never did any of those things singularly much less in the same day:-) !!!

As I've said before, I never thought Jeff would be a dad.  It wasn't on his bucket list and babies were foreign entities that belonged to others who were perfectly content and on board carrying on their family lineage.  I guess the right woman changes your mind!  Jett has been a challenging baby but every day now he does something wonderful and new and grown up.  The next few months will be full of "Daddy Daycare!"  It will also be the time when words are uttered, steps are taken and unconditional love will be abundant.  "Da Da" already popped out and "Ma Ma" will come soon.... They'll both be followed by the dreaded "No" but the very best is yet to come ....and the very best Dad will be ready!  ♥♥♥

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