Monday, October 24, 2016

Blah, Blah, Blah Awareness month!

I understand the exposure of incurable diseases and causes.  I understand the need for fundraising some degree.  I do believe that not much of any fundraiser goes directly to actually curing the illnesses or bettering the plight of those causes.  Barraging the public with incessant ads, sponsoring walk-a-thons and wearing ribbons of various colors might bring attention to the specific month but after hourly ads on television, radio, and social media for 30 straight days sometimes....enough is enough.  I don't mean, in any way, to lessen the severity of any of the causes and I understand the plight of each and every one...from cancer to domestic violence to saving the whales. I've known someone who's been affected by all of these dreaded maladies....OK, I've never actually known a whale or someone who's suffered because of a whale related death.....but I sympathize and understand the need for awareness.

With that being said, I think we need a little more levity in life....and advertising.  I think the Debbie Downer Advertising Agency should add a few new causes to their Awareness portfolio..  I'm thinking maybe Bacon Awareness month or Chocolate Awareness month (ribbons could be made from bacon and chocolate)......even Wine Awareness month.  There should maybe be a Recliner hot line or a Rehab facility aimed directly at those who overdose on social media.  All worthy causes that could use some awareness.  I, for one, would be more than happy to be tested for high levels of pork or cocoa beans or volunteer to test the new bacon, transdermal patch.

The information just needs to go public.  We need to be informed and aware.  If there are any months that are lacking for an "awareness", I suggest we stand up for pork and raise our glasses to Pinot Noir. The need is there....let's grow a pair.....and be aware!!

                                               Eat Bacon, drink wine, Surf the net !

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