Thursday, May 12, 2016

She's Here!

She's here in all her puppy glory.  Lee thinks "she might be pretty smart!" .........which is the ultimate confession in a totally male way of saying he likes her.  She is working really hard at letting me know when she needs to go out.  As with all babies, sometimes shit happens!  I've decided that keeping her fed twice a day on schedule helps with the potty training. I'm jockeying around with her food.  I forget that pups will eat till they burst...

She is definitely not picky about her snacking choices... So far I've confirmed that she enjoys styrofoam, toilet paper, dust bunnies, shoes, scarves, goose, chicken and peacock shit, walnuts, chair legs, and anything else that is floor level or hanging precariously 2 inches above it.  On the plus side, she keeps all crumbs cleaned and has the softest tongue in town as she licks every ounce of Jergens lotion off my hands and legs.

I'm contemplating invisible fencing to keep her away from the woods and to keep me from having to go outside 10 times a day.  She does love the great outdoors.  We have yet to introduce our feathered critters to her.  I think there might be a few nips and cries if she get too close to any of the roosters. Not sure how Old MacDonald did it but we'll figure it out here at EIEIO.

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