Monday, January 25, 2016

Football... a Family "Sport!"

Football is my very favorite sport.  I'm sad when it ends in February and I look forward to our Fantasy Football draft, pre-season and opening day.  I generally enjoy watching it in my recliner in my den with a nice, cold diet pepsi and a munchie or two.  I have my own whistle and penalty flag which is frequently used when the refs come down with octorectalosis or completely miss the most obvious call ever.  I believe if both teams are called for the same infractions, it's generally a fair game.  I have my superstitions too.  If my team is playing well and I happen to be sitting in a certain position...I will remain like that until nature absolutely calls and it's a sink or swim moment. I have crossed my fingers until the poor, arthritic digits are pleading for help. I have silently (and not so, occasionally) chanted "Let's go Panthers" or  sung "Let's Go Buffalo..Let's Go Buffalo..hey, ey ey ey" until the play is successfully completed. Bailee enjoys reminding me that no one can hear me except her and she's pretty much over it..... I ignore her!  I have however; taught her as much as I can about the game itself and the importance of enjoying it with me.

Lee is not a football fan.  If you can't drive it or shoot it, he's not interested!  Jeff has become more of a fan since his tenure in Charlotte and is extra happy this morning.  Julz is becoming pretty proficient in "football" too. She and her Dad enjoy Sundays in front of the screen as well.  Last night was "Football Night in America...OK Locke." We gathered at Jeff and Lacie's with the obligatory snacks, libation and Pride in our Panthers. (Since no New York (NJ) teams made the big games, we've kind of relegated ourselves to hyping our Pride in the Panthers (and any team that beats the Patriots!!)

Everybody did their jobs yesterday. Denver defeated the Cheaters, Cam and Olsen (with our cheering) soundly defeated the redbirds and we're setting the stage for Superbowl 50....and I remember the first one!!!  The only thing that could possibly upstage the biggest game of the year would be the arrival of a Jett..... No worries... I think he'll arrive before the big game and we'll be settled comfortably in front of a big screen.  If we happen to be in a hospital waiting room, so be it...they have TV's too and my cooler travels well.  The only thing that might change is my chant...It might go from "Push 'em back, Push 'em back, waaaay back" to "Push him out, Push him out, waaay out!!"  Either way, it'll be a spectacular day!

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