Friday, December 4, 2015


Once again...copy and paste. A wonderful, eye-opening story:-)

Dad stories always make me smile... especially Dads and their daughters. As we're nearing the 9th anniversary of Christmas Eve and the morning my Dad left, these stories bring me back to 55 years ago just like it was yesterday.  My Dad and I had our Sunday morning rides.  Sometimes we'd hit a fire department's pancake breakfast but usually just touring the countryside looking at his farmers' crops or some new construction.  It was our time! Occasionally we'd bring home some fresh veggies or eggs from a farm or maybe even a kitten or two.  Mom always loved those homecomings ;-)
We always had that special something between a Dad and his daughter.  In later years we realized that that special something wasn't perfect enough for us to work together although I gave it that old college try.  We decided our car rides that had morphed into breakfasts were a much better fit.  Those are my best memories and still solidly in tact!

I so wish my Bailee could have that.  Let me take a few minutes to whine to my loyal blog followers.
Bailee's Dad has never praised her for her exceptional report cards, never been to a parent conference, never been to a soccer game, dance recital or Christmas program. Seldom, possibly once, called to wish her a Happy Birthday, never given her a birthday card and seldom...if ever, a gift. every other year he has her for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning and since she can remember, she's never awakened to a Christmas tree at his house.  Last Christmas, she was given a candy cane Christmas morning. Many times he has forgotten her on holidays (which we all think is a blessing) and never calls between visits.  Last year, he got her her own bed. Before that, it was the couch or his bed that seldom even had sheets.  Now let that all sink in and understand that the COURT says she must go there every other week-end.  The morning she is to go, is generally filled with tears, hiding and an occasional run around the yard.  How would you like those for memories?

I don't tell this story to make you feel sorry for us but to give everybody a little insight into what's really important in life.  Time is what's important!  Spend it's free!  My heart aches as once again this Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, Bailee will go to bed without the cookies left for Santa and the anticipation of presents and a tree.  NO child should dread the times with their Dad:-(

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