Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Big C

The Big C... That's what my brother used to call it......................and then it killed him!  That was 46 years ago and it's still going strong............or is it?  People are diagnosed earlier, living longer but still a staggering number are dying daily. Just this past week, three wonderful women lost their battles. It knows no race, no age, no gender, no stature, no worth but I am as sure as anything I believe in, that there is a cure.........................and it's known.  It just plain isn't financially good business to dole out the remedy.  Every single thing in today's world is generated by capital.  Who rules the world?   Big business ...and what businesses are bigger than pharmaceuticals...Not many...maybe some media giants or automotive top guns but think what drug companies control.... the health care industry and the insurance industry for starters.....very big starters!

I fall, once again, into hypocrite status.  I have stock in companies like Phizer.  They make money, I make money but I'd be more than willing to shift my dollars to other endeavors if it meant I no longer had to attend 3 funerals a week, stand in the cold, calling hour lines for 3 hours or mourn with grieving families.  What price are people willing to pay to thrive in business while dying at home?  It won't happen in our lifetime but I believe that if we can walk on the moon, live in space, clone a sheep, scan and print body parts, transplant a face, grow babies in a petri dish and reattach severed limbs, we already have the capacity to cure.  What price are we willing to pay for that?  I could survive without the butter!


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