Friday, October 23, 2015

A New Shade of Sad

I have lost my brother, my Dad, my grandparents, aunts, uncles and classmates.  Losing a friend who fought so hard takes my breath away.  My dear friend Teresa fought the fight big time!  I really don't think I have ever known a kinder person.  She lived her life to the fullest right up until her very last breath.  Her concern was always for others and she struggled with what they were going through.  She was the single Mommy of beautiful Isabella and the very best Mom any child could hope for. She had grandiose hopes of sharing a trip to Italy with her, magic wishes to take her to Disney and the simplest of expectations, taking her to her first day of school.  None of those things will happen. My heart aches in a way that it never has before.  I try so very hard to's not working so well today. 
Never a better Mom, daughter, sister or aunt and certainly never a better friend.  I will forever miss her beautiful smile, her genuine warmth and her courageous approach to life.....and death.  They don't make women like Teresa much....maybe that's why He needed her... That can be the only answer.
Rest in Peace my sweet friend.  You live on forever in your sweet daughter♥

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