Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I am so, so fortunate!  I have many friends.  I have old friends, new friends, young friends and weathered friends. I have friends who like to shop, friends who like to eat, friends who like to read and friends who like to meet.  Face Book has facilitated renewed friendships and friendships with family afar.  Friendships should never be taken lightly. Often, those very women (and men) are more family than family.  Old age seems to strengthen those bonds. I, for one, can attest to the fact the blood is not thicker than water...It may be redder, it may transfusable, it may even be lifesaving but friends are definitely the family you choose and choice is a liberating, warm, wonderful thing. Our parents, ok, at least my parents, were not members of a communicative generation. Warm, fuzzy and full of "I love you's" weren't part of their genetic (or acquired) make up.  Thankfully, our generation learned from their shortcomings. Not only do we express our love for family but we express our love for friends.  Today is our "lunch bunch" Christmas of my favorite times. Old friends together for fun and food, laughs and libation, gifts and giggles and most definitely....♥

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