Friday, August 15, 2014

Where in the world.......

Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted in August.  Where I have been and better yet, what the heck have I been doing?   Well, I guess I have no excuses and I had to actually look at my daily journal to see what I've been up to....How sad (and old) is that?  A lot of my time has been consumed with decorating details for Lacie (and Jeff's)  She still has yet to close but we've been busy designing, researching, crafting and planning for each room.  It is going to be transformed from an elderly, ranch home to a cool, comfy and classy starter for them.  Who chooses black flooring?........................these two.  Thankfully Jeff is a bit OCD when it comes to neatness and order.. a trait that was obviously not acquired through the nurturing process.  Black floors will be a bear to keep clean...not my problem.  We have some work to do upon closing but most everything will be cosmetic changes that will brighten and enhance their surroundings. I have already announced that I DO NOT PAINT but I do choose colors well.... hurts a bit when I pat myself on the back!!!   I'm doing a pretty fair job letting them do most of the choosing for most of their décor....Thankfully, Lacie is very appreciative of my assistance or maybe just very nice...either way we seem to agree on a lot and when we disagree, I try to remember that this is their house.... I have a wee bit of a "Charles in Charge" complex but I'm handling it.  I'm just so over the moon that they are so happy and that Jeff is not 700 miles away!
We are in the home stretch for the beginning of 3rd grade and a new school year. Supplies and clothing have mostly been purchased... The new backpack and lunch bag are ready to go and shoes and sneakers are the only detail left. I'm thinking this may be Bailee's best year ever.  She has an amazing teacher, Mrs. Weeks, and a classroom full of great kiddos.  I remember 3rd grade as being one of my favorites.  It was the year we learned cursive!!!  (Another rant for another post) Bailee is working hard to teach herself.  We have almost mastered the multiplication facts.... another thing that has been passed down to the parents and grandparents through the wonderful world of Common Core.  We should be happy though, our grandchildren will leave elementary school knowing how to BUNDLE....WTF!
Bailee has enjoyed Rec again this year.  Todd Mulvaney heads up an excellent summer program. We are extremely lucky to have him! Kung Fu is going strong and Bailee has been invited to participate and compete in front of the Grand Master in Kentucky in September.  I am still reassuring Uncle Jeff that this competition has nothing to do with the KKK ;-)
We're heading into fall (I think it's already here) which is my very favorite time of year.  I'm off to purchase supplies to make some new decorations shortly.  It will be a busy season and Christmas will be here before we know it...Ho Ho Ho!!!

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