Friday, August 22, 2014

KIndle vs. Book...............again

I extol the virtues of reading........anything.  I have lamented in the past about the vanishing book stores and the demise of the "hold in your hands" book.  I always wanted a wood paneled room with shelves to the ceiling and a slide along ladder.  I wanted a mix of old books and new, fiction and non, reference books and smut:-)  That was then and this is now.  I have resolved to reread each of Sidney Sheldon's novels.  He was the writer who, as an adult, gave me the love of reading.  I knew I could pick up a book, be in it by the end of the first chapter and not want to put it down.  This was at a time in my life when quiet time was at a premium.  I think that made me even more anxious to steal away, if only for minutes at a time, to see what each page unfolded and what twist was coming next. Sheldon was a consummate researcher and I honestly believe I learned from each novel....whether it was history, geography, cultures, politics, forensics or love.  When I weeded my book collections for the purpose of moving and space, all of Sheldon remained in hardcover and made the trip.  I've managed to read many of my favorites in the past few weeks and I have also noticed the aches and pains of arthritis once again roaring their ugly heads.  The books are big and heavy and often hard to keep my eyes:-(  Yesterday I finished "the Best Laid Plans" and returned to my Kindle for a new Sandra Brown release.  A few chapters in I realized that my hands weren't aching.  I had had no libation and no analgesic so why the disappearance of my afternoon aches? Kindle... one single, lightweight, device that allowed my thumbs to relax.  Such a realization on Senior Citizen Day no less;-)  I guess the trade off is good.  My bookshelves are not overcrowded, I've retained a lot of my favorites and I can carry several books with me on my travels...if only to the hot tub. Change is really tough on old people.  Now, I have 2 perks for my Kindle: My hands ache less and no one knows I'm reading 50 Shades of Grey.....................again!

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