Thursday, October 10, 2013


Nobody likes everybody. That's OK!  Some days I dislike some people just a little more.  Thankfully, that list can be counted on one hand.  If I were to designate each of those less than adored people, today's nominee would be placed directly between my ring finger and my pointer and I would hold them high for all to see.  I have really thick skin and I can handle disdain with a modicum of decorum. I can also handily hold my own in a battle of wits. .......but hurt one of my children and you might want to think about vacationing in Afghanistan.

Today might be one of those days where the hurt and deceit runs a little deeper. The final chapter has ended and the book can now be placed on the shelf.  It was one of those reads that really wasn't all that interesting, had an OK beginning, a lackluster middle and ended with the reader wondering why he actually "picked up" the book in the first place.  Most agreed that the book he was reading prior was a much better story and was filled with intelligence, wit and class.  We all make less than stellar choices at times and thankfully (as we all now realize) the shelves are full of exciting fiction and non fiction.  If I were to suggest the next read, I'd pick one about "Old Faithful!"

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