Monday, October 21, 2013

65 and Counting

I know the reason for season.  I understand the religious implications and the joy those aspects bring to the holiday. I understand the very big picture and that all of the rest of everything would be a very huge moot point without what actually happened that night in a manger, in a barn with a very bright star shining down and that immaculate conception (I still have questions about that part.) BUT... I really believe that Christmas happens just for me! My own little ego trip! There is no aspect of Christmas that I dislike. I love the music, the movies, the family, the cards, the decorating, the eating, the shopping, the wrapping and most of all the anticipation.  I try to find just the right gifts for just the right friends and family.  Of course, since the arrival 7 years ago of my favorite recipient, the season is a much more joyful time.  There usually develops a theme to her Christmas wishes and this year it appears to be the vision of Pleasant Rowland's American girls. You know me.....go BIG or go home!  So I might over spend just a tad...sue me!  I have one husband, two children, one grandchild and a bucket load of traditions. If I want 3 trees, so be it.  If there are few too many (and who's to make that decision) gifts under the tree, deal about (as Bailee would say) and if you had to neither buy or wrap them, it's probably not your place to give a hoot in the first place.  There, now that I've justified my behavior (for whatever misguided reason), I'll tell you all about my crafty Christmas cause.  SCHOOL!  No dwelling on the Common Core debacle but it might be the reason that I'm pushing the fun element of teaching, learning and imagination.  Imagination is as vital to learning as breathing is to living.  My plan is to breathe a little life and fun into the process. So....we'll have school chairs, blackboards, notebooks, globes, text books, a microscope, flashcards (for basic facts...Hmm, now there's a novel idea), scenery and sounds and maybe even an apple for the teacher...and a waste basket for her to throw away "the Core!"

                                 65 days and counting till school opens and the fun begins.

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