Really? The truth, the whole truth on. Maybe if you're on the stand but what about if you're sitting in your kitchen, or at the beach or even in a supermarket. How many mis-truths do we unintentionally pass down to our kids and theirs? A fib warrants the time out chair around here but only for the little ones......and think of all the fibs that have been innocently generated through the years. Falling with a lollipop in your mouth probably won't result in the stick being embedded in the roof of your mouth, swimming right after you eat won't result in even one single cramp, shaving will not make your hair grow in thicker, taking off the band-aid and letting your cut "air out" is just plain gross. It's dirty out here and that makes NO sense! Crossing your eyes will not result in them getting stuck that way.... (unless your joke) and if you're chunky, I don't think it's because you have big bones.
We really mean well when we make these statements but we're actually just passing on a whole lot of crap that's just plain not true. It doesn't become fact because our Mom told us or her Mom told her and so on. Sometimes it just makes things easier. Our kids get time out for fibbing. Maybe they intentionally do it or maybe it just happens but most of "us" do it all the time. Not giant, jail time lies but little, tiny white ones that generationally came to us as truths. So maybe it's time for the buck to stop here....No time in our entire lives has it been easier to get the facts. Google on our computers, Siri on our phones and God forbid, a book.....might actually set the record straight! So, the next time you feel compelled to tell your kids or grands to put on their hats because body heat escapes faster through your head or that they are as unique as a snowflake (only one of a kind) or even to stop cracking their knuckles so arthritis eludes them, you might want to rethink your parental "folklore!" By the way, according to an expert....the safety lies can continue without guilt... You know, "the car won't start unless your seat belts are fastened, your hamster is in heaven, we love you both exactly the same" and a big one at our house, "I'm sorry, but you're allergic to lobster!"
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