Tuesday, July 18, 2017

How bad is it.....

How bad is it? is a column in my favorite magazine, HGTV. I'm not sure whose opinions they are but some are pretty interesting.... Not as interesting as mine, but interesting. Here are some of theirs:

  • To take your dog out in the winter without a coat - not so bad
  • To throw away junk mail without shredding it - super bad
  • To not take a multiple vitamin every day - not bad at all
  • To hang sweaters instead of folding them - really bad
  • To keep an opened bottle of champagne - sorta bad....like flat
  • To decline travel insurance - not bad at all
  • To wear your glasses on the top of your head - pretty bad
  • To not clean your grill between using - pretty bad
  • To scratch a mosquito bite - kinda bad  ( in my case ...horrible)
  • To drive with an expired license - super bad
  • To put sandy towels in the washer - not bad at all
  • To leave cushions out all summer -  kinda bad ?????
  • To eat ice cream straight from the container - really bad
Now, some of mine:

  • To miss someone's birthday - really bad
  • To NOT send a thank you note - unforgivably bad!
  • To shower every other day - not so bad
  • To use words that don't exist (like scar-t or fustrated - intellectually bad
  • To buy Christmas presents in the summer..........and wrap them - fiscally not bad at all
  • To only clean when you can actually see the dust and cobwebs - kinda bad
  • To take pictures of ....everything - only bad if they're of me
  • To have a lovely kitchen but not cook - kinda bad
  • To write a silly blog so your kids and grands can remember what a goof you are/were - not bad at all!!!!!

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