Thursday, May 4, 2017

May the 4th be with you!

Star Wars Day...Lots of friends and family celebrate their birthdays today too. Nephew Clint and niece Lyndsy and friends Sharon Weeks and Eddy Sharpsteen.  Everyone always asks me how I can remember everyone's birthdays, anniversaries and special days. It's pretty simple actually...some I just plain remember and most I write faithfully on my calendar to remind me. It's always nice to be remembered.  Face Book helps a lot and I remember the past couple of birthdays getting literally hundreds of birthday wishes. I enjoyed and appreciated every single one.

Keeping in tune with the theme of the day, it's looking a little like the "Dark Side" out there right now and the lawn needs mowing again before the Storm Troopers arrive. Off to ChewtheBacka yard! Mow the 4th be with you!

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