Thursday, March 16, 2017


I can't believe I've neglected my ramblings for 2 weeks.  I guess I've just been languishing in the peacefulness of vacation widowhood.  There's been no need to retreat to my written happy place. But, for posterity, I'll tell a short story about "STELLA!!!!!!!!!!!"  (Not the Streetcar Named Desire one but the central NY one about a Snowstorm Named Stella!)

Weathermen (and women) are generally known for being the only trade who can be wrong so often and still get paid.  This time, they were right.  Our movie began on Tuesday morning, March 14th and ended in the middle of the night (morning really) on Thursday, March 16th. It began snowing about 6:30 a.m. here at EIEIO and never stopped until Thursday a.m.. Just shy of 2 feet fell in about 48 hours. Schools were closed, in anticipation, on Monday evening and didn't reopen until 10 a.m. Thursday the 16th. There is a "*staff development day" scheduled for the 17th so the students were treated to an eleven hour school week.  On top pf the SDD*, our boys will be playing in the state final four basketball championship in Binghamton (which got over 3 feet of snow) on the 17th as well... I suppose you could call teamwork, development!

I was totally prepared as well. I had 2 shamrock sugar cookies, chips and dip, a porterhouse, leftover corned beef and cabbage, diet Pepsi, milk and Milano cookies. If anyone asks how much snow we got.... I'd have to say......"about 5 pounds!" I managed to clean a bit, pack for the beach, keep the fowl and birds alive, dwindle down my TiVo'd shows and catch up on Dexter, The Ranch and Billions!  I also discovered a ridiculously strange but enticing show called "Schitt's Creek!" .......about a wealthy family who was scammed out of their fortune and was forced to move to the town the father had purchased , as a joke, for his son's birthday. It really doesn't take much to amuse old people!

The entire wrath of Stella was really just a flashback of years gone by when Mother Nature truly understood the meaning of winter. We've been pretty spoiled the last several years and it was time we all got a good dose of appreciation.  Thanks to Lake Ontario for helping us reminisce.

For as much as the snow fell, the winds roared and the cabin fever set in, today's sunshine and resumption as life as we knew it brings us back to why we live here....... It is beautiful and we're never subject to the same boring weather for very long.  Bouncing right along, Spring begins Monday...:-)

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