Monday, September 12, 2016


It's been a LONG few days.  On Friday, Paisley was on the porch with me and decided she wanted to explore the east side of the road.  She had ventured there earlier in the week and when she returned, her outside trips were on the leash or her chain.. (which was really just a thin plastic coated lead.) I assumed because I was with her that she would stay with me or nearby in the yard....NOT!  My worst fears came to fruition due to my lack of judgment... I didn't call her for fear she would dart in the road into traffic..........................She did anyway and was hit immediately.  I did my best, along with Jess, to get her to help but she had internal injuries that she couldn't overcome.  On our way to Ithaca, she died on the Creek Road. I was, and am, devastated!  I can't remember the last time I cried so hard for so long.  She was only with us for 4 short months but she was my girl.  We had our simple life down to a routine. Her crate experience lasted about 3 weeks and one night she got her foot caught in one of the crate holes and rolled over.....she was hurting and woke us up with her crying.... From that night on, no crate.. free reign of house.  She had a few favorite spots, mostly on the cool marble entryway or the tile bathroom floor.  She mostly loved my chair... whether it was empty...or not. All 50+ pound would hop up and nap on my lap.  We had some of our best talks in that chair.  Never argued once!!  We had play time when from breakfast and then it was time for a nap.  She was still a baby and naps were still a part of her daily routine.  I was so looking forward to watching football with her, playing in the snow and even maybe some sledding.  She had just decided she liked to ride in the car and would nicely sit in the front seat and navigate for me.  We had a fly with us one day and that significantly detoured her attention but she "got it!"
Lee would grumble when she scratched him with her nails or nipped when they were playing but he was as attached as I.  She loved him too and sometimes I jealously thought maybe a little more than me at times!!  He buried her with tears!
I have had a dog for most of my 64 years.  Our tenure here at EIEIO has had a few critters and I thought it was time for a canine addition.  Lacie found me the perfect pup and in early May, she came home.  She was smart!  She house trained fairly easily, would sit for treats or in anticipation of meals. She knew when it was time for breakfast, dinner and bed. She was also extremely skilled at eating the insoles of any random shoe, pulling anything rippable out of waste baskets and eating wicker....ahhh she loved wicker....real, expensive wicker.  The one thing she was just getting was to come when called.  We almost had it  :-(
There is a small, inexplicable hole in my heart. Tears are still really close to the surface when I do the littlest of sit on the john....alone...with no furry, black head in my lap waiting for me to get moving and throw that ball or her beautiful little face waiting at the door when I'd come home from breakfast knowing that the next 1/2 hour was our time! At night, on my way to bed, I'd scratch her neck and kiss the top of her amazingly soft puppy head and tell her I loved her... everybody should hear that just before bed.  I do it now by the window as I look toward the falls where she Paisley Point..♥♥♥♥♥♥

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