Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Official Mid-Week Rant:

Monday a.m. -  Stopped at the drug store to pick up a script I had "scanned" last week.  I knew it had no refills but they always call the Dr.'s office and get a new refill.  "Sorry Sandy, nothing here for you. Insurance won't pay till your due date of the 27th."  Well, I'm out and exclaim that I'll just skip taking them for the next 4 days.  They give me a 30 days supply... again with no refills.

Monday p.m. -  Receive a call from the Dr.'s office saying that I need an appt. so they can refill my prescriptions.  I explain that I was just there and can't imagine why I need to come back so soon.  "It's protocol and actually you were here last in March, so that's nearly 6 months....minus one!   Seriously, who's protocol I ask.... Some hemming and hawing and virtually no answer. I then contribute my 2 cents explaining that I'm none too happy.  It used to be you had a physical every year, then it became 6 months and now it appears that it's 3 months....I take little in the way of meds and one is for blood pressure.  I wonder if it ever occurred to the doctors, pharmacies and insurance companies that if things were actually performed correctly and in a timely manner...most of us wouldn't be stressed and need the damn medicine to begin with....?  Well, of course they did...they know exactly what they're doing and they all have us directly by the short hairs... sorry for my crassness..... not!

So, I make a damn appt. for Monday...after being told there was actually little available for open appointments.  She knew she had herself in a pickle and couldn't have it both ways so an opening miraculously appeared.    Hanging up and still stewing I remembered that I had a bum knee the last time I was there and Mashelle had mentioned it.  Well, I hurt my knee on May 4th.... pretty hard to talk about a knee injury in March...2 months before it had happened. Being the mild, mannered gal that I am, I called back and mentioned the conundrum.  Yep, right again... it was May 11th I was there last. Once again, the new protocol is 3 months so I kept the appt.  By all means, let's pay for 4 appointments versus one.  I have come to the conclusion that where protocol's concerned, I'm too old to adhere and too young to adjust! We'll see who wins this battle...

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