Thursday, August 20, 2015


First, let me say that my Hatfield family is the very best!  They are my family!  Now let me tell you that family has absolutely nothing to do with genetics, bloodlines, DNA or lineage. Anybody can reproduce....well, almost anybody.  As you all know, I gave birth to no one (which after hearing some stories and watching videos, does not disappoint me.)  I do, however, have the best kids ever.  From the very second I laid eyes on them, they were mine and I was theirs (they had no say;-).  I was fortunate that they had caring, educated, biological mothers who knew that too.  Their foster-folks, who got them to sleep through the night, eat calmly, socialize with ease and enjoy traveling, were the best and most loving people.  That 30 days, when the legal right to change your mind was a factor, was worth the wait.  I knew that I would never be able to take them and lose them...So I waited.  It was worth the wait and when they came home it was amazing.... In 48 hours........ I was waking them to make sure they were breathing, over feeding them until they puked, making them cry daily and barely daring to take them out of the house.;-)  I figured it out pretty quickly and we all lived happily ever after. They are my family!

Now, I am gratefully blessed to have a new family.  With Lacie came her family. Old friends became new family.  What a treat it is!  We have so much in common beyond our friendship.  Now, we'll be grandparents together.  If I thought I spoiled Miss Bailee, look out Jett(e), your flight's about to land.
I was pretty sure that Jeff would remain single and I would be a charter member of the "one and done club!"  Surprise, surprise!  This week-end, we're all heading to the St. Lawrence to the Walter family resort on the river.  Jess will stay behind this trip as EIEIO's flock and Max will need a caretaker.  Bailee is coming with Papa and Grandma though.  I love these people!  They are my family!

So, all those sappy Face Book sentiments of family this and sisters that are really just lip service. Just as life, family is what you make it...Thankfully, I chose every single member of my family.... I did good!!!!

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